Yes, you can. However, using a page builder is almost certainly going to cost you money in the long run. Primarily, the goal of the drag and drop builders is to make the process as simple as possible for those in the budget-conscious market. As a result, these sites limit your creativity and options.  Moreover, they may negatively affect your ability to attract and acquire customers.


First, you are probably not a web designer. Company Websites has over a decade of experience in development, SEO, and customer feedback. Ultimately, website development tips from the internet are no substitute for experience. Conversely, the ability to discuss your ideas with a developer is invaluable, an option you don’t have with a page builder tool.


Second, you don’t own the website. Though the content is yours, the code, stock images, and everything else remain the property of the page builder service. In many cases, you must display their ads on your website. You pay a licensing fee to lease the services, and if you fail to pay, you will lose your website. As a result, you have to spend more money to build a new website. Further, if you are dissatisfied with the service, you can’t simply migrate the website to another hosting company.

website builder


Third, creativity is limited. The template you choose may provide insufficient options.  It can prove frustrating to make simple changes to fonts and content blocks. Importantly, you will not have access to the 55,000 available WordPress plugins that can extend and enhance your website.

SEO Unfriendly

Finally, these page builders are not generally SEO-friendly. The primary goal of build a website is to attract customers and generate income. Poor SEO limits your market reach. When search engines can’t determine what your site offers or identify your target market, they ignore you.

Save Money

You can save money and avoid pitfalls by hiring an experienced web developer who can guide you through the process of creating a results-oriented website.